the access to malimba- difficult terrain, easily flooded, its remote and isolated.

as malimba is so remote and is hard to transport materials to the site, blocks are being made on site. they will be used for the handwash stations, and the She Shelter girls cabins.

holes for concrete foundation to hold up the water tank reservoir (jan 2023)

concrete foundation to hold up the water tank reservoir (feb 2023)

water tank reservoir (mar 2023)

added handwashing sink to latrine building (mar 2023)
new cleanwater drinking station (mar 2023)

new standpipe for community water access
mar 2023)

one of the two clean water stations
(may 2023)

inauguration of the clean water stations
(may 2023)
water reservoir
(may 2023)
thank you sponsors
(july 2023)

Clean water for Malimba (july 2023)