project start date: September 2023
completion date: November 2023
After the success of our pilot project at Malimba, we have been able to raise funding to continue rolling out She-Shelters across Sierra Leone. Our third school She Shelters project is the SDA Senior Secondary School, in Makali, Sierra Leone where more than 300 are enrolled in the junior and senior sections.

Our She Shelter

The school, SDA Secondary in Makali, Sierra Leone

Construction has started!
October 2023
Construction done!
November 2023

Finished She Shelter, with two stalls. We use rainwater harvesting as the water source.

The girls of SDA Makali Sierra Leone, on inauguration of the She Shelters at their school.

The local facilitators we arranged to give SHRE to the girls and explain how to use the She Shelter.
The She-Shelter project at SDA Secondary School is made possible through a the support of the Commune of Plan-les-Ouates.